An Age-Old Question on Eye Dilation
“Can I NOT have my eyes dilated today?” This is a common question with many online articles. Yet, people continue to ask it, and, therefore, others, including us, continue to give updates on this topic. As recent as August, the NY Times posted an article titled “Do You Really Need Dilation at Every Eye Exam?“ […]
Top Doctors Make a Difference
Dr. Rudick was selected as a Best Doctor, Ophthalmology, by Castle Connley for the past 20 years, an honor bestowed upon him by his professional peers for excellence in the practice of Ophthalmology
Omega 3 supplements
Benefits of Omega 3 supplements
Exercise your eyes
Exercise your ocular muscles to delay reading glass
More Americans are going blind each year
The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) addresses the growing number of blindness in Americans and preventive steps that can be taken
Stem cell controversies
Ocular stem cell injection causes one lady to go blind
Lazy Eye
Debunk myths about lazy eye
Future of Eye Health
What’s new in Ophthalmology?
Boy’s Vision Saved After Coat Hook Punctures Eye
Common household item devastated a 5-year-old boy and the miraculous revival of his vision
Smart Contact Lens
New experimental smart contact lens for patients with Glaucoma
Implanting an IOL for nearsightedness
IOL for nearsightedness
Visual aids for the blind
How visual aids help those with blindness
Effects of Marijuana on Vision
Interesting AAO article on a popular topic filled with myths
Can you delay the need for reading glasses?
Experimental procedure to delay the need for reading glasses
Computer Vision Syndrome
In the health section of the New York Times, Jane Brody, illustrates the growing predicament around the world as people become more reliant on computers.
With Cataracts, My Own Private Light Show
Life with cataracts
Reasons to eat your fruits and veggies
Another reason to eat your fruits and vegetables
Life after cataract surgery
New York Times article on life after Cataract Surgery.
Floaters in the eye
Floaters explained in the health section of the New York Times.
The worst that could happen ?
Interesting New York Times article on one man’s journey towards blindness
Eye Makeup Could be Making You Sick
Eye makeup can be a nidus for bacteria that can make you sick.
Smoking and Eye Disease
Smoking tobacco (cigarettes, cigars or pipes) can make eye problems worse. Glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration and dry eye are some of these problems. Also, a baby’s eyes can be affected if the mother smokes during pregnancy. Quitting smoking can help save your vision.
Feeling My Way Into Blindness
New York Times article on Edward Hoagland’s journey towards a world of Blindness