
Expertise in Patient Care
At AO Eyecare, we offer a wide range of clinical services, from routine eye exams for vision correction to complicated diagnostics and treatments for medical eye conditions, as well as cosmetics and accessories to suit your eye care needs. In addition to general optometry services (glasses and contact lenses), we provide in-office surgical procedures to treat and manage various conditions (chalazion, secondary cataracts, glaucoma, retinopathy), as well as ambulatory surgery such as laser vision correction procedures (LASIK, refractive cataract surgery), glaucoma, and cataract. We test for corneal and retinal health, perform advanced cataract surgery as well as surgery for glaucoma and diabetes including SLT and ALT, and treat conditions from dry eyes to macular degeneration. We also offer cosmetic procedures such as BOTOX® and fillers. In addition, we have an in-house optical shop for all your eyeglass or contact lens prescription needs.
Our physicians are an elite group of specialists who are able to draw upon unparalleled resources in terms of current knowledge, cutting-edge technology, and modern techniques. Our dedicated staff works closely with our physicians to ensure our patients receive the best possible eye care.
Call us today for more information or to make an appointment. We look forward to seeing you!